Edward Hopper at the SAM

I invited Kennedy to go see the Hopper exhibit at the SAM (Seattle Art Museum) today.

She got more excited over this than I imagined she would. In anticipation of our date this afternoon, she woke up at 2 AM. Holly had to send her back to bed at 5:30 AM. Needless to say, when we finally got to the SAM this afternoon, she was low energy. They only had a few Hoppers on display and Nighthawks–my favorite–was not among them.

Kennedy and I enjoyed what was there. We also enjoyed the lobby of the SAM, which has some crazy sculpture of cars flipping through the air.


We had a snack in the restaurant. I tried to imagine Kennedy as a girl in a Hopper painting.

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11-26-2008 018

11-26-2008 015

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4 thoughts on “Edward Hopper at the SAM

  1. leerentz says:

    Nice juxtaposition of your girl in the diner photos with a trip to see Hopper at SAM. “Nighthawks” is in the Art Institute of Chicago; it is worth the trip just to see the painting. You’ll never forget it, and the monumental size is astounding.

  2. Tim Elhajj says:

    Thanks, Lee. I usually just fly through O’Hare, but I’m going to have to find a way to spend some time in the city. I didn’t realize it was massive.

    The SAM exhibit is called Hopper’s Women and features Chop Suey, New York Movie, and others. I didn’t even think too much of it when I was taking my girl’s picture, but that’s where my head was at. Lots of pictures of women looking off into the middle distance.

  3. seattlewa77 says:

    The car sculptures look very interesting. Were there only two cars in this exhibit?

  4. Tim Elhajj says:

    I remember more than two cars. You can see the installation from the sidewalk, so check it out next time you’re downtown.

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